
Chapter 49 Europe: New German Rock 歐洲:新的德國搖滾樂


Christa and Gerhard are German. Their friend Ellen, from Boston, is visiting them at their home.

克莉塔和焦哈是德國人。他們的朋友艾倫 ,從波斯頓來拜訪他們家中。


 They are talking about music, radio programs, and entertainment for young people in Germany.





Ellen: What are the radio programs like in Germany? Are there concerts and other things like that for young people?



Christa: Do you mean what music and radio programs we listen to at home?



Ellen: Yes, what stations do you listen to here?



Christa: Well, we like to listen to a fantastic station called Berlin 3. They play modern music and not old German folk songs or love songs that order people like.



Gerhard: Yes, that stuff is really awful. Most young people in Germany can’t stand it. We prefer modern music.



Christa: And that’s what Berlin 3 plays. It has a lot of British and American pop music, rock, soul, but also new German rock.



Ellen: New German rock?



Christa: Yes. Since the early eighties Germany has had its own German rock bands that make German-speaking songs. These songs often have great lyrics. These bands want to shake things up a bit.



Gerhard: Berlin 3 has a lot of this kind of music. In between the music, they also have very good news reports and call-in programs.



Ellen: In the U.S. many radio stations are for car drivers. People spend a lot of time on the road and they can listen to music and news programs in their cars as they travel. Do you also have this in Germany?



Gerhard: Oh yes, when we have bumper to bumper traffic, then it sure is nice to tune in to some music or news.



Christa: You know we don’t have as many commercials on the radio or on TV as you do in the U.S. Let’s say the news comes on at 12 PM; they would stop the songs at 11: 58 AM for two minutes of commercials.



Ellen: That’s because you pay a radio and TV tax to the government.



Christa: Yes, we do. We pay a fee which is used to support the public radio and TV stations. In general, people in Germany are used to paying higher taxes for government services than Americans do.




Ellen: What about concerts? Ever since the sixties young people have been wild about rock concerts. I’m wild about Michael Jackson. Are concerts popular in Germany too?



Christa: Absolutely. As a matter of fact, Michael Jackson had a European tour just last year. When he came to Germany, Gerhard and I had tickets, but the concert was washed out by heavy rains.



Ellen: That’s too bad. Did you get a refund?



Gerhard: Of course we did, but we were not worried about the money. We were disappointed about missing the fun and excitement!



Ellen: Well, there’s always favorite station Berlin3!










Hi! How have you been doing?


This chapter is another part of the Europe series. Do you listen to radio programs? Though TV is almost everywhere, many people still rely on radio programs. In this chapter we will see what kind of radio programs Germany have.








這一課是說二個德國人(Christa Gerhard)和一個美國人(Ellen)在一起談天,他們談到了德國的年輕人的娛樂,所以就談到了廣播電台的節目。










Ellen: What are the radio programs like in Germany? Are there concerts and other things like that for young people?


Christa: Do you mean what music and radio programs we listen to at home?


Ellen: Yes, what stations do you listen to here?


Christa: Well, we like to listen to a fantastic station called Berlin 3. They play modern music and not old German folk songs or love songs that older people like.


Gerhard: Yes, that stuff is really awful. Most young people in Germany can't stand it. We prefer modern music.


Christa: And that's what Berlin 3 plays. It has a lot of British and American pop music, rock, soul, but also new German rock. = popular


Ellen: New German rock?


Christa: Yes. Since the early eighties Germany has had its own German rock bands that make German-speaking songs. These songs often have great lyrics. These bands want to shake things up a bit.


Gerhard: Berlin 3 has a lot of this kind of music. In between the music, they also have very good news reports and call-in programs.


Ellen: In the U.S. many radio stations are for car drivers. People spend a lot of time on the road and they can listen to music and news programs in their cars as they travel. Do you also have this in Germany?


Gerhard: Oh yes, when we have bumper to bumper traffic, then it sure is nice to tune in to some music or news.



Christa: You know we don't have as many commercials on the radio or on TV as you do in the U.S. Let's say the news comes on at 12 PM; they would stop the songs at 11:58 AM for two minutes of commercials.

Ellen: That's because you pay a radio and TV tax to the government.

支持 被用來提供支持

Christa: Yes, we do. We pay a fee which is used to support the public radio and TV stations. In general, people in Germany are used to paying 習慣於higher taxes for government services than Americans do.


Ellen: What about concerts? Ever since the sixties young people have been wild about rock concerts. I‘m wild about Michael Jackson. Are concerts popular in Germany too?


Christa: Absolutely. As a matter of fact, Michael Jackson had a European tour just last year. When he came to Germany, Gerhard and I had tickets, but the concert was washed out by heavy rains.


Ellen: That's too bad. Did you get a refund?


Gerhard: Of course we did, but we were not worried about the money. We were disappointed about missing the fun and excitement!


Ellen: Well, there's always your favorite station Berlin 3!












Ellen: What are the radio programs like in Germany? Are there concerts and other things like that for young people?


Christa: Do you mean what music and radio programs we listen to at home?


Ellen: Yes, what stations do you listen to here?


Christa: Well, we like to listen to a fantastic station called Berlin 3. They play modern music and not old German folk songs or love songs that older people like.


Gerhard: Yes, that stuff is really awful. Most young people in Germany can't stand it. We prefer modern music.


Ellen在一開始時說的第二句話是:「Are there concerts and other things like that for young people?」,這一句話裏有個代名詞「that」,它在這裏是指的甚麼東西呢?我們若試著從意思去瞭解,或許可以很容易的解決,Ellen這一句話的意思是說「有沒有適合年輕人的音樂會或是其它   ?」,這裏的「other things like」的意思是說「其它像它一樣的節目」,這裏所謂的「像它一樣的」就是指像「音樂會」一樣的節目;所以,這個代名詞「that」所指的是前面提過的「音樂會」。




Ellen第二次說話時說:「Yes, what stations do you listen to here?」,以前同學們都學過公車站叫做「bus station」,火車站叫做「railroad station」,而在這裏廣播電臺也叫「radio station」,那「station」這個字真正的意思是甚麼?


station」這個字的意思是指一個做為某些特定用途的地方,所以,專為公車和火車上下客用的地方叫做車站,而專為廣播和電視用的叫做電臺,另外在軍事上,特別是情報單位所謂的外勤單位有的也叫做「station」,所以,比如說駐在東京外勤單位的主管就叫做「Tokyo station chief」。


station」這個字如果做動詞時,它的意思就是「將某個單位或人駐在或派到某地」,例如「A police is stationed at every intersection during rush hour.」,就是說「在上下班的交通尖峰時間,每個路口都有個警察」。 插播結束




Christa接下來說:「Well, we like to listen to a fantastic station called Berlin 3.」,這個句子裏的「fantastic」這個字是甚麼意思?我們一定須要字典才能瞭解它的意思嗎?


首先,Christa這句話先是說「我們喜歡聽這樣一個電臺叫做柏林三」,請同學們不要忘了他說「我們喜歡」;接下來他又說:「They play modern music」。另一個德國人Gerhard接著說話的最後一句說:「We prefer modern music.」。




有了這樣的判斷,「fantastic」這個字不管你如何解釋都是八九不離十了,何必須要字典? 插播結束 剛剛這句話 在「station」這個字後面接的是「called Berlin 3」,我想同學們應該能看出 來「called」是個過去分詞;這裏完整的寫法應是:「listen to a fantastic station which is called Berlin 3.」,這就是一個很典形的形容詞子句的用法,但是不是每次碰到這種情形就一定要用形容詞子句,有時用個簡單的分詞,也有同樣的功能,句子也簡單了些。




Gerhard接下來說「Yes, that stuff is really awful.」,這裏面的「awful」是甚麼意思呢? 同學們如果依照剛剛李老師找線索的方式來解讀,先看它的下一句說:「Most young people in Germany can't stand it.」,這句的意思是「多數德國的年輕人不能忍受它」,那這樣子來看「awful」這個字應該是甚麼意思呢?答案不是已經呼之欲出了?








Christa: And that's what Berlin 3 plays. It has a lot of British and American pop music, rock, soul, but also new German rock.


Ellen: New German rock?


Christa: Yes. Since the early eighties Germany has had its own German rock bands that make German-speaking songs. These songs often have great lyrics. These bands want to shake things up a bit.


Gerhard: Berlin 3 has a lot of this kind of music. In between the music, they also have very good news reports and call-in programs.


Ellen: In the U.S. many radio stations are for car drivers. People spend a lot of time on the road and they can listen to music and news programs in their cars as they travel. Do you also have this in Germany?


Christa在一開始時說:「pop music, rock, soul,」,「pop music」指的是「流行音樂」、「rock」指的是「搖滾樂」、而「soul」指的是「靈魂音樂」。


Christa接著又說:「Germany has had its own German rock bands that make German-speaking songs」,這裏面的「German-speaking songs」同學們應該可以從上下文中看得出來是說「德文的搖滾歌曲」,這裏用「German-speaking songs」而不用「German songs」很可能是為了要強調,是用德文寫和演唱的搖滾歌曲,因為英、美的搖滾歌曲幾乎風糜世界各地,年輕人大多唱的是英、美的搖滾歌曲。


Gerhard接下來說的:「In between the music,」,這裏的「music」是汎指音樂的節目,所以,這句話的意思是說「在音樂的節目間另外有些新聞和叩應的節目」。






Gerhard: Oh yes, when we have bumper to bumper traffic, then it sure is nice to tune in to some music or news.


Christa: You know we don't have as many commercials on the radio or on TV as you do in the U.S. Let's say the news comes on at 12 PM; they would stop the songs at 11:58 AM for two minutes of commercials.


Ellen: That's because you pay a radio and TV tax to the government.


Christa: Yes, we do. We pay a fee which is used to support the public radio and TV stations. In general, people in Germany are used to paying higher taxes for government services than Americans do.




這段一開始Gerhard說:「Oh yes, when we have bumper to bumper traffic,」,課本後面解釋為塞車,這裏要提醒同學們注意的是,語言常常是藉著描述一種狀況來表達意思,如中文說「畫蛇添足」來表達「多此一舉」,用「吃豆腐」和「吃冰淇淋」來表達一些越軌的行為。


bumper to bumper traffic」是描述車子和車子間的保險桿相連著,藉此來形容塞車的嚴重情形。








Christa接著說:「You know we don't have as many commercials on the radio or on TV as you do in the U.S.」,這裏面的「commercials」是甚麼意思呢?我們來試著找些線索來解讀它。


首先,這個字的前面是「many」,而這個字的結尾又有個「s」,由此我們可以判斷這是個名詞;其次,Christa接著說:「Let's say the news comes on at 12 PM; they would stop the songs at 11:58 AM for two minutes of commercials.」,它的意思是說:「比如說在中午十二點時要報新聞,它們在 11:58 AM 時會停止音樂二分鐘,來   」,那依據常識,這二分鐘通常是用來做甚麼的呢?


還有一個線索是Christa的這句話是說:「我們在廣播和電視上的   沒有像你們美國那麼多」,Ellen接下來說:「That's because you pay a radio and TV tax to the government.」,這意思是說:「那是因為你們付了廣播和電視的稅給政府」。這個線索指出,因為德國人付了廣播和電視的稅,所以,他們的廣播和電視上的   沒有像美國那麼多。


依據常識,「commercials」是甚麼呢?想一想,試試看,好嗎?如果不確定你的判斷,記得要問你的面授老師。    插播結束














Ellen: What about concerts? Ever since the sixties young people have been wild about rock concerts. I‘m wild about Michael Jackson. Are concerts popular in Germany too?


Christa: Absolutely. As a matter of fact, Michael Jackson had a European tour just last year. When he came to Germany, Gerhard and I had tickets, but the concert was washed out by heavy rains.


Ellen: That's too bad. Did you get a refund?


Gerhard: Of course we did, but we were not worried about the money. We were disappointed about missing the fun and excitement!


Ellen: Well, there's always your favorite station Berlin 3!






Ellen在一開始說:「Ever since the sixties young people have been wild about rock concerts.」,「wild」這個字在後面的解釋是「對某事狂熱」,同學們都知道「wild」這個字的意思是「很野的」,如三十二講中的「wild animals」。


在三十二講中另有一個「wild」的用法「none of the wild visions I had on the plane materialized」,意思是說「我在飛機上的瘋狂的想像沒有一樣實現了」。


wild」這個字的核心意思是指一個人或動物的行為或思想沒有經過人為的控制,或指一個地方或動物沒有受到人為的影嚮;所以,「wild animals」可以說是野生的動物,也可以說是野蠻的動物;「He always has wild ideas.」是說一個人有些很異想天開的點子;「She is wild about fashion.」則是說瘋狂的喜愛某件事情或某個人。


一個字知道了它的核心的意思後,以後在任何狀況下都難不倒你的。 插播結束


在談到Michael Jackson的音樂會時,Christa:the concert was washed out by heavy rains」,意思是說音樂會因為大雨而被迫取消了,這個句子的字面意思是描述這個音樂會被大雨給沖掉了,這就是我剛剛說過的要瞭解它所描述的情狀。


另外,因為大雨而被迫取消的活動有許多,所以,由此演伸出了一個英文的字彙,叫做「rain check」,意思就是描述音樂會因為大雨而被迫取消了,就向主辦單位要一個「rain check」,等到下次再表演時,可以不必再買票,憑著「rain check」就可以免費入場。


這個字引伸的用法有:百貨公司在打折,等你去時卻賣完了,你可以要一個「rain check」,等到下次再有貨時可以憑著「rain check」享受和現在打折時同樣的價錢。


還有一個用法是,有人要請你去他家便飯,你恰巧不空,除了謝謝他的好意外,還可以說:「I wish I could get a rain check.」,意思就是「希望下次你請客時還會再邀請我」。


由以上的說明希望同學們能瞭解,語言的主要功能本來就是描述,藉著描述一種情狀來表達意思,如剛剛看到的「the concert was washed out by heavy rains」;而為了生動的描述,所以,常常就會演變出不同的用法,或乾脆另創一個新的字,如剛剛介紹的「rain check」。






Ellen: What are the radio programs like in Germany? Are there concerts and other things like that for young people?


Christa: Do you mean what music and radio programs we listen to at home?


Ellen: Yes, what stations do you listen to here?


Christa: Well, we like to listen to a fantastic station called Berlin 3. They play modern music and not old German folk songs or love songs that older people like.


Gerhard: Yes, that stuff is really awful. Most young people in Germany can't stand it. We prefer modern music.


Christa: And that's what Berlin 3 plays. It has a lot of British and American pop music, rock, soul, but also new German rock.


Ellen: New German rock?


Christa: Yes. Since the early eighties Germany has had its own German rock bands that make German-speaking songs. These songs often have great lyrics. These bands want to shake things up a bit.


Gerhard: Berlin 3 has a lot of this kind of music. In between the music, they also have very good news reports and call-in programs.


Ellen: In the U.S. many radio stations are for car drivers. People spend a lot of time on the road and they can listen to music and news programs in their cars as they travel. Do you also have this in Germany?

Gerhard: Oh yes, when we have bumper to bumper traffic, then it sure is nice to tune in to some music or news.

Christa: You know we don't have as many commercials on the radio or on TV as you do in the U.S. Let's say the news comes on at 12 PM; they would stop the songs at 11:58 AM for two minutes of commercials.

Ellen: That's because you pay a radio and TV tax to the government.

Christa: Yes, we do. We pay a fee which is used to support the public radio and TV stations. In general, people in Germany are used to paying higher taxes for government services than Americans do.

Ellen: What about concerts? Ever since the sixties young people have been wild about rock concerts. I‘m wild about Michael Jackson. Are concerts popular in Germany too?


Christa: Absolutely. As a matter of fact, Michael Jackson had a European tour just last year. When he came to Germany, Gerhard and I had tickets, but the concert was washed out by heavy rains.

Ellen: That's too bad. Did you get a refund?

Gerhard: Of course we did, but we were not worried about the money. We were disappointed about missing the fun and excitement!

Ellen: Well, there's always your favorite station Berlin 3!

Radio has been a great help for human. It will remain so in the forseeable future.

Next time we will go to France and see the new look of France. Be sure to join us. Bye!



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